So, without further ado, a topic that needs no further introduction: salutations
Several Republican politicians recently gathered in New York to support Donald Trump. In solidarity with the persecuted former president they wore dark suits with red ties. The group also announced that they would be grabbing women by the genitals and making fun of disabled people before proceeding to a nearby hairdresser to get their leader’s preferred bouffant-bangs style, known as the trumpadour.
As for the trial itself, this high-profile judicial enquiry really just comes down to - What did the former president not know & when did he not know it?
Having done extensive research on the applicable rules Trump could, if needed, deploy the ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card he pocketed years ago. He may also note that he regarded Stormy Daniels as Community Chest.
Introducing Apill. Studies have shown that a once-daily dose of this chewable can significantly reduce your need to see the doctor. Reported side effects of Apill include digestion, fresh breath & clean teeth – but do not exceed the prescribed dose & discontinue use upon reaching the core. Spare Apills can be given to teachers.
With most bullets penis-shaped, could their use be restricted under obscenity laws?
Someone wrote, “don’t assume that everything you read is true” - don’t believe them.
With ‘perfect’ & ‘awesome’ now commonly heard from restaurant wait staff, those responses have lost some impact - so choosing the dressing to go on a side salad will now be deemed ‘transcendent’. Oh & you want the baked potato? ‘Ineffable’.
For those feeling somewhat peccable & chalant, recombobulation could lead to becoming kempt & gruntled.
What is an occasional table the rest of the time?